This piece is located in the lab of two sorcerers. To the alchemy of element transmutation (water into air into grains into umbrellas into paper into a harp, etc) is added the alchemy of sound. The sorcerers -in this performance a man and a woman- live in two slightly out-of-phase dimensions. For that reason, they relate to each other in canon. We can think in one like the rhythmic resonance of the other, or like the other like an anticipation of the one.
Because they are real magicians, when a spell really works, they minimize the incident and keep on going with their uncertain processes.
The magic is not about results, but about believing in miracles and in subtle relationships among things. If a trick works, the mystery is gone and the experience becomes mechanical. When that occurs, the magicians write down the result in a notebook and relegate the form to the scientists.
I find in this attitude a resemblance with everyday life, where we are living our unresolved spells in canon with our fantasies, slightly late, slightly early.