Cuenco de Plata, Malena Levin, Juanita Fernandez, piano y percusión estrenaran mi pieza Gestalt, una obra nueva, que escribí en Buenos Aires este año.
También tocaran obras de Christian Wolff, Friederic Rzwesky y Felipe Ortíz.
14 septiembre 2014
Si están cerca... Montevideo
15 agosto 2014
18 mayo 2014
If you are around...
My piece "Terug" for two clarinets will be played at
Klarinettenfestival Carte blanche III
by Sabina Matthus and Claudio Puntin
22th May, Dorfstrasse 6 - 16818 Netzeband
02 diciembre 2013
23 septiembre 2012
If you are around...
I would like to invite you to the concert Musiques d'intérieurs next week at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao (27.09/19:00) and at the Temple Allemand in La-Chaux-de-Fonds (29.09 20:30 / 30.09 19:00) with the Die Ordnung der Dinge Ensemble (Cathrin Romeis, Daniele Pintaudi, Vera Kardos and Iñigo Giner)
Musiques d'intérieurs is an interdisciplinary concert combining music, theater and performance with objects and light. The four musician-performers unveil a programme that reinterpretes everyday objects and situations, creating a poetic world populated by lamps, tables, lights, bubble wrap, tableware, different kinds of foods, balloons, instruments, a very long piece of string, and many other musical objects.
The president's speech (Iñigo Giner Miranda), for pianist and visual pianist
El libro de los gestos (Cecilia Arditto) for violin, cello, piano, percussion and lamps
Hors d'oeuvres (Peter Streiff), for performers and tableware
Rotblau -parts 1&2- (Jessie Marino) for two performers
El orden de las cosas (Iñigo Giner Miranda), for three actors, objects, lights and tape.
07 octubre 2011
Si andan cerca...
The remains of the day.
A seven part show for clarinet, magic lanterns, mirrors and a couch.
Written by Cecilia Arditto, played by Michel Marang.
A scenario of darkness around light. A black sea full of presences and memories, that keep on going when the last light has been turned off.
Inspired by the Franco-Flemish composers of the XVth century with their puzzles and musical games of mirrors.
Zeemanshuis, Nieuwevaart 3, Amsterdam
October 8th & 9th, 7.30pm
Free entrance
11 junio 2011
De paseo
16 June- 19.00 hs
Alea XXI - Radicalia
Música invisible para flauta #1, #2 #3
Cristina Vives Rodríguez, flute
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Puerto Rico (MAC)
24 mayo 2011
La máquina del tiempo

There are three people sitting in a room; they are just staying but also remembering the past and dreaming about the future all at the same time. It is always difficult to say what now and here means because our heart gets always confused about organizing emotions on a time line.
Koen rewinds, anticipates and play the cassette player as a metaphor of past (and future?) memories. Bas plays a radio that catches the air in an ever flowing present. Nora moves back and forth from the piano in a rocking chair, looped in her own clock.
I like to think in music as the big time machine, going through chronological organized sounds but mainly through the mixed archeology of our emotions.
04 marzo 2011
Super Amy
Musica Invisible for trumpet
Amy Horvey
“Nature/culture” concert à l’envers
185 Van Horne, Montréal
11 noviembre 2009
Música invisible para trompeta en Montreal

Malasartes Musique is happy to announce the launch of three new CDs on Wednesday, October 28, 2009 at 8:30pm at the Sala Rossa (4848 St. Laurent) in Montreal. Tickets: $10 at the door.
04 noviembre 2009
19 octubre 2009
Estreno de La arquitectura del aire para órgano y dos percusionistas
Jan Hage (órgano), Tatiana Koleva (percusión), Arnold Marinissen (percusión)
PROGRAMA Eric Verbugt (1966): di retro al sol (première) • Yannis Kyriakides (1969): Bee Cult • Peter Klatzow (1945): Dances of Earth and Fire • Cecilia Arditto (1966): La arquitectura del aire (première) • PAUZE • Jan van de Putte (1959): Terra • Wolfgang Rihm (1952): Siebengestalt • Hans Koolmees (1959): Events • PAUSA • Arnoud Noordegraaf (1974): Soloist • Rob (1964) & Arnold Marinissen (1966): Framed & Live • Arnold Marinissen: Knip (première)
25 de Octubre de 2009 14:15
Orgelpark, Amsterdam
17 octubre 2009
Música invisible para flauta en Morelia, México

Digitación (arriba) y efecto (debajo) en “Música invisible para flauta #1”. El rango de altura de la pieza es de 3/4 tono.
El flautista Wilfrido Terrazas tocará mi pieza "Música invisible para flauta" en Morelia, México.
La info del concierto (por si andan cerca):
Recital de flauta
Lunes 14 de diciembre, 6pm
Sala Niños Cantores
Conservatorio de las Rosas
Santiago Tapia 334, Centro
Morelia, México
De más está decir que me pone muy contenta que se toque mi música en México, país que adoro. Gracias Wilfrido!